December 26, 2010

Happy Holidays!

Happy holidays to all you wonderful bloggers who generously share my life while working, raising families and finding your way in the world. Together we are stronger.

Happy holidays to Renee, who has successfully lived without a roof over her head for years. I hope the new laptop will be useful in the new year and inspire you to new great things.

Happy holidays to my wonderful Grandma, who had such fun visiting Munich several Christmases ago and could still sing the Hansel and Gretal opera in German and (for some reason) the French national anthem.

Happy holidays to Laura, Emmanuelle and Abu, our three sponsored children in Africa and Bolivia. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas season and continue to do well in school next year.

Happy holidays to the amazing working moms I know and am proud to be friends with. (And all moms are working.)

Happy holidays to my two little girls, whose names mean 'Clarity of Purpose' and 'Enduring Light.' You are both perfectly named.

Happy holidays to my little man, who I can't wait to meet. Your name (after we considered hundreds of names, such as Dave, Gerhard, Logan, Hasso, etc.) means either 'Bringer of Peace' or 'Destroyer,' depending on whether one is feeling more Yiddish or Hebrew. I imagine there will be days when either name suits you, my darling boy.

Happy holidays to my fabulous husband, whose eyes light up with admiration and love when he looks at my perfectly round tummy and who makes up such amazing children's stories. He even liked his Land's End pajamas, although he fears the extreme softness of the flannel will make him weak.

(We finished our children's book and if anyone would like a copy leave a comment with an email address.)

Happy holidays!


  1. Hurray for you finishing your children's books! Way to go.

    Hope you've been having a wonderful time!

  2. Happy Holidays to you, too!

    Three Cheers for your Grandma and for you for finishing the book!

  3. I hope it was great! I am super curious on the name now. I thought I knew it, but must be wrong?

  4. Prost Neujahr!
    Hope you're surviving the unusual winter weather in Germany -- and that it warms up by the time Junior is born...

  5. Wish you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, hope you have a great time, enjoy the day...

  6. Wishing you and your family a Happy New Year. I Hope this new year brings lots of happiness in your life....

  7. You have really very cute babies. Happy holidays with them...All the best, HAPPY NEW YEAR

  8. All the best for your holidays.. I know that you all will enjoy very much... Happy New Year..

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