January 6, 2011

The Final Countdown

My son will be born in 3 weeks.

I've been reflecting on my many blessings this holiday season and as you can imagine, this unexpected little boy* figures pretty largely in them.

*Yes, I know how babies are made, I mean that I expected another girl. Girls are what I know.

And although I heartily dislike being pregnant and babies are disruptive to one's professional aspirations and other activities one might prefer to engage in, I am able to find comfort in the reflection that:
  1. It's only for 3 more weeks.
  2. His head will smell deliciously musky for the first several years.
  3. He will probably become a rich and famous soccer player, who will not forget his mum.
  4. He may not marry someone I thoroughly disapprove of.
  5. My cleavage will never be this good again.
But as many of you know, theoretical future good and fabulous cleavage are cold comfort in the final weeks of pregnancy.  I'm uncomfortable and it would be quicker to tell you what parts of me don't ache than what parts of me do.

Sitting at my computer is also painful, which is why I haven't been around much lately.  I apologize for that.

I probably will not write again until after the baby is born and may not be able to give your blogs the attention they deserve in the meantime but I sincerely wish you all the best in this new year.

We totally deserve it.


  1. I hope everything goes amazingly well!

  2. I hope the remaining time passes quickly for you and can't wait to hear about it!

  3. What a wonderful addition to your New Year! I will look forward to the big event.

  4. I wish you a swift and painless delivery! Can't wait to hear all about his birth, and see pictures. Happy 2011!!

  5. Congrats to you dear, hope everything goes very well, wish you a very happy 2011...

  6. Oh boy are you in for a shock when you meet your little man for the first time.
    The girls are their fathers daughters and always will be. When he saw their faces he was lost. Now Missy you are about to get that wallop.
    Best of luck to all of you.

  7. You look fantastisch!
    Your little boy is going to have the best big sisters/ babysitters -- you'll probably look back on how easy the 3rd child is compared to the first two... ENJOY! Alles Gute bei der Entbindung (I just think the latter is a great word, literally translating to "de-binding" of the umbilical cord!)

  8. So excited for you! After #3, there are other things that may never be this good again either! Have to agree with Vince...you are indeed in for a wallop...I bet he will be long and lanky and smart...

  9. congratulations! our third was a boy, as well. And he is still surprising me every day.

  10. Stay strong these last few weeks! We can't wait to hear the news!

  11. You look awesome!

    I'll be thinking about you.

  12. WOW, how exciting, hang in there!

    As a mother of two little boys, they are lots of fun. :-)

    Laura in Ludwigsburg

  13. I have two boys and you won't trade him for the world!

    New follower



  14. found you in the comment section of Unknown Mami (now I know of two pregnant bloggers). I wonder if the kids will grow to be bloggers if blogging is still around then.
    all the best

  15. I'm right behind you. My cleavage is obscene at the moment.

  16. Wish you all the very best for your upcoming weeks.Don't Worry everything is gonna be o.k and you will be performing all your activities.

  17. You and your bump look stunning! Wishing you well - hope to be introduced to the little fellow in a couple of months time!

  18. Sending you good thoughts from Florida! May it be a quick labor and your new son be a good sleeper :)


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