November 3, 2009

I've been gone but now I'm back

I was in Italy over Halloween and will write about it soon but first I want to catch up with you lot... ciao!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Lucy, I'm sorry to hear that, I loved your AZ pictures. But you're always welcome here. Kristina being hated by you is like being loved by... wait, I lost my train. But I'm sort of honored.

  3. I saw your comment over on Blogger, but I couldn't even open my own blog w/o crashing to answer you. I'll need to back in there and turn comments off for that reason. We just got back from Italy too- my new header is a picture of Pompeii:). Look forward to reading where you have been.

  4. I hope you post the obligatory photos... and lots of them.

  5. Yay! Laura is back. Thanks for all the helpful suggestions at TalentedApps. I'm a bit swamped but I'll be giving you an update end of week I hope.


  6. Yay, you're back! Can't wait to hear about Italy!


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