January 17, 2010

On Breaking Eggs

K: Mommy, can I break the eggs when we make pancakes?

Me: No! Last time you got egg everywhere.

K: I know but I want to try.

Me: I know, Sweetie, and I'm glad you to want to try things, but I don't want to clean up a big mess right now. Can you understand that?

K: Yes, Mommy. Can I break the eggs when we make pancakes?

Have I mentioned how much I love my children?


  1. Put some newspaper under the bowl and then let her break the eggs... They'll soon get better at it with practice! (From one who knows...)

  2. Good Mom for caving....it's different if you can run down the street to corner market but when all of Germany shuts done all food in house is like gold!!

  3. If we let them try when we don't feel like it i think they will be more likely to try when they don't feel like it. Good for everyone.

  4. So, did she break the eggs? Don't be a mean mom! :)

  5. Y'know, you can't make pancakes--or a well-adjusted child--without breaking a few eggs.

  6. You had pancakes?


    It doesn't matter what kind.

    It doesn't matter if only part of the egg was added.


  7. Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? I love my kids, too...

  8. Yes. I have learned that it is best to let them, because otherwise your 3 year old waits until you are otherwise engaged and tries by himself.

  9. If first you don't succeed, try and try again!

    p.s. Thank you so much for this one! I am a neat freak (and lazy as hell) and I often wonder whether I am the only mom who tells their kids to "DON'T HELP ME!" LOL.

  10. lol, my 6 yr old has been helping me in the kitchen, and he's the clumsiest one in our family....he drops his dinner on the floor nearly every single time...i have to make sure i take it to the table for him.

  11. That is my Lily. And that is totally me. Takes all my power some mornings to just let her do it. It is a guaranteed mess. Mothering is so illogical.
    But. I figure all those egg shells add a scrumptious texture to pancakes, right?

  12. I was never good at cooking with my kids when they were little. I am a "clean as I go" cook and kids don't get that. As a science [Chemisty] major and used to exact measurements it was frustrating when things weren't exact. I have gotten over it all but now they are old enough to cook on their own. Win !!

  13. Well I think you are right but you have to let them to make pancakes.First time they will do the mess later they will get the success.
    Thanks for sharing.


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